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About us | Sleeping on the honey bee hives

Sleeping on the honey bee hives

It is a well known fact  that honey bees are very useful for people. A bee yard (apiary) is a natural oasis (place) with positive energy and a friendly atmosphere for relax and recovery. But one can benefit much more from sleeping  on the beehives.

On such a bed a person feels the heat from the honey bees, when they warm up their hive. Moreover, a special energy field appeares from the honey bee swarm, which has a positive effect on a person and helps keeping a person’s body in balance. All these increase the ability to work and keep oneself in good spirits.

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Flavors of pollen, apitoxin/honey bee venom, propolis/honey bee glue, beewax and honey, routine hum of honey bee swarm  make a man’s nervous system calm, blood pressure normal, emotions steady, sleeping sound and healthy.


Propolis is a good natural antiseptic with high antimicrobial effect. This fact makes possible to relief respiratory tracts and lungs while relaxing on the honey bee hives.


Honey bees transform nectar into honey by a process of evaporation.  This process makes powerful vibrations that creates microoscillations. The latter help to relief tension, back pain, pain in muscles and joints.


The combined effect of honey bees helps with self-recovery and strengthening  the immune system of the human being. A person  feels  himself young and fresh after  sleeping on the honey bee hives.