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Tours | Water tours (canoe)

Water tours (canoe)

Yaselda - Pripyat  river (Districts of Pinsk and Luninets)

The trip starts from the railway station Yaselda and reaches the railway bridge of Luninets.

Total duration: 4 days, about 160 km.



Yaselda – eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos” (Districts of Pinsk and Luninets)

The trip starts from the railway station Yaselda and reaches the eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos”

Total duration: 6 days, about 220 km.



Yaselda – Mikashevichy water channel (Districts of Pinsk and Luninets)

The trip starts from the railway station Yaselda and reaches Mikashevichy water channel

Total duration: 7 days, about 260 km.




Yaselda – Turov town (Districts of Pinsk, Luninets, Zhitkovichi)

The trip starts from the railway station Yaselda and reaches Turov town.

Total duration: 9 days, about 330 km.




Pripyat river- eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos” (District of Luninets)

The trip starts from the railway bridge over the Pripyat river near Luninets town and reaches the eco-farm " Pripyatsky plyos”

Total duration: 2 days, about 60 km.




Pripyat river – Mikashevichy water channel (District of Luninets)

The trip starts from the railway bridge over the Pripyat river near Luninets town and reaches Mikashevichy water channel.

Total duration: 3 days, about 95 km.




Pripyat river– Slutch river (District of Luninets)

The trip starts from the railway bridge over the Pripyat river near Luninets town and reaches Vilcha village on the Slutch river.

Total duration: 4 days, about 130 km.




Pripyat river – Turov town (Districts of Luninets and Zhitkovichi)

The trip starts from the railway bridge over the Pripyat river near Luninets town and reaches Turov town.

Total duration: 5 days, about 160 km.




Tsna river – eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos” (District of Luninets)

The trip starts at the village called Kozshan-Gorodok and reaches the eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos”

Total duration: 2 days, about 45 km.



Tsna river – Mikashevichy water channel (District of Luninets)

The trip starts in Kozshan-Gorodok village and reaches the Mikashevichy water channel.

Total duration: 3 days, about 85 km.




Tsna river – Slutch river (Districts of Luninets and Zhitkovichi)

The trip starts in Kozshan-Gorodok village and reaches Vilcha village on the Slutch river.

Total duration: 4 days, about 115 km.




Tsna river - Turov town (Districts of Luninets and Zhitkovichi)

The trip starts in Kozshan-Gorodok village and reaches Turov town.

Total duration: 5 days, about 145 km.




Smerd’ river – eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos” (District of  Luninets)

The trip starts at Lakhva village and reaches the eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos”

Total duration: 1 day, about 20 km.




Smerd’ river – Mikashevichy water channel (District of  Luninets)

The trip starts at Lakhva village and reaches the Mikashevichy water channel.

Total duration: 2 days, about 60 km.




Smerd’ river – Slutch river (Districts of Luninets and Zhitkovichi)

The trip starts at Lakhva village and reaches Vilcha village on the Slutch river.

Total duration: 3 day, about 95 km.




Smerd’ river – Turov town (Districts of Luninets and Zhitkovichi)

The  trip starts at Lakhva village and reaches Turov town.

Total duration: 4days, about 130 km.



Eco-farm "Pripyatsky plyos” – Mikashevichy water channel (District of  Luninets)

The trip starts near the village Lahovka and runs up to the Mikashevichy  water channel.